At JK Tax Solutions we transform our client's businesses by educating and empowering them around their numbers!

tailored & approachable
accounting solutions

to take you from scared to sorted

Let's chat

ready to fall back in love with your business?

REAL TALK — you didn't get into business to slave over spreadsheets and tax returns.

Don't get me wrong, your numbers are vital to success in business, BUT, my guess is that you got into business for other reasons. You've found that thing that lights you up and #SPOILERALERT...

It's NOT lodging your BAS.

Lucky for you, that's my thing! Let me help take the stress and overwhelm out of maintaining your accounting so you can get back to your zone of genius.

I'm Jannaya

hey there!

ready to fall back in love with your business?

REAL TALK — you didn't get into business to slave over spreadsheets and tax returns.

Don't get me wrong, your numbers are vital to success in business, BUT, my guess is that you got into business for other reasons. You've found that thing that lights you up and #SPOILERALERT...

It's NOT lodging your BAS.

Lucky for you, that's my thing! Let me help take the stress and overwhelm out of maintaining your accounting so you can get back to your zone of genius.

I'm Jannaya

hey there!

I'm Jannaya Crowe, a fully qualified Chartered Accountant and Tax Agent with 8 years industry experience. A working mum, wife and business owner, I'm well versed in the juggling act of balancing family and life, along with the pressures of building a successful business. 

At JK Tax Solutions our mission is to help individuals and small-medium sized business owners thrive by taking care of their accounting and taxation needs. 

I wholeheartedly believe that having a solid understanding of the accounting world serves as a strong foundation for all business owners; making day-to-day operations run more smoothly, while also relieving stress when it comes to BAS & Tax time.

 Outsourcing your accounting means you can say good bye to managing the nitty gritty of business, and hello to more work-life balance and time to spend on the important things.

As a business owner, numbers are pretty important right? unlike the smoke and mirrors of social media, our numbers don't lie. They tell the true story of our business.

and yet, so many of us put them in the too hard basket and avoid them, missing out on the confidence that comes from really knowing your numbers — This is where I come in!


I want to help you understand the how's and why's of accounting and not just let you know how much of your hard earned money is going to the tax man at the end of the year.

— Jannaya


Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) - Griffith University 2014

Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting - Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand 2018

Tax Agent - Tax Practitioners Board 2023

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how we can help

work with us

If you feel like every time you turn around it's time to lodge your tax return again, let us take the stress out of navigating changes to tax responsibilities when it comes to:


Help getting on top of ATO debt

Over-due tax returns

Rental properties

Capital gains

Sole traders


Business moves fast and you can too! Stay up to date with reporting, tax responsibilities and review your businesses performance — with our help you can fast-track these time consuming, but necessary tasks.

Business financial statements & tax returns

Yearly financial statement preparation

Preparation of monthly management reports

Overdue tax returns

Help getting on top of ATO debt


Xero and MYOB certified, with vast experience in a number of other accounting software's we're ready to hit the ground running!


Monthly or quarterly financial check-ins 

BAS & IAS preparation

Lodgement with ATO

General Bookkeeping

Payroll and Superannuation


Bank reconciliations

Work smarter, not harder by making the most of your money and analysing your business situation prior to 30 June. Taking this opportunity allows time to provide you with feedback and tailored recommendations making your revenue go further.

Tax Planning

Get clarity around your financial position

Make the most of deductions and tax write offs

Forecast and get strategic for the upcoming tax period


Setting up a business is a LOT and having the right advice and support in place during the initial stages of setting up your business is crucial to your success. Our best advice is to start with the end in mind to save yourself a lot of googling and future headaches.

Business Advisory

Assistance with the initial set up of your business

General taxation and accounting advice


Knowledge really is power and this is especially true when it comes to understanding the numbers within your business. We strive to educate all of our clients, giving them the confidence to understand where their business is at, where they could become more efficient and provide them with the tools to get there. 

Education & Support

Migrating from one software to another

Education and training


Whether you're running a business, or have a personal tax return to lodge, engaging the right Accountant will benefit you immensely.

For personal tax returns, an Accountant can analyse your circumstances, taking in the whole picture and suggesting options for reducing your tax that you may not have known about, or previously considered. Not only do we help with outstanding tax return lodgements, but equip you with knowledge to help your future self.

Running a business can be overwhelming and having an Accountant can help ease the pressure. JK Tax Solutions can help you with a number of aspects of your business from the initial set up, bookkeeping, software training, BAS & IAS preparation, financial statements & income tax return preparation, tax planning and general business advice. Working with your Accountant should help improve the efficiencies of your business, provide education around matters you need assistance with and meet your tax obligations as efficiently as possible.  

Why do I need an Accountant? 

asked questions


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What are the benefits of using the services of an Accountant?

Having someone who can talk to the ATO on your behalf (because no one wants to do that themselves!) 

Extended lodgement deadline for BAS & Tax

Advice on simple or complex tax matters which may reduce tax liabilities

Help ease the pressure of the business administration, bookkeeping & accounting procedures

Forward-planning and analysing the opportunities available prior to end of financial year

A support network you can rely on in times of success and difficulty

asked questions


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asked questions


The great news here is we're able to work with any software that our client’s are using - win!

What software do you work with?

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As everyone’s circumstances are different we're able to provide a tailored fee structure to suit your needs. We offer monthly, quarterly and yearly payment options, giving you maximum flexibility to work around your cashflow.

Get in touch for a no obligations consultation and quote for the services you require.   

What are your fees?

asked questions


still got questions?



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